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About the Books

I Am a Feeling Body is an uplifting, empowering book exploring body awareness and mindfulness for children. Grounded in simplicity and guided by playfulness, this book centers on a boy and his two loving cats as they explore four essential steps toward instilling peace, harmony, happiness, and well-being into their daily lives. Their unique experiences and curiosity shape a greater mind and body awareness that leads to a profound sense of freedom and feeling of joy that grows inside them every day.

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I Am Grounded is an empowering book about a boy and his two loving cats as they explore and flow on their path, taking in the currents of each breath at each turn in their adventure. They find challenges and obstacles along the way which present opportunities to overcome and embrace a new approach to freedom and safety each step of the way. The playfulness and joy they experience compounds while grounding them with humility and gratitude in all they discover. Their lives become brighter, filled with greater awareness in their bodies while actualizing deeper meaning in relation to one another and those they encounter along the way.

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I Am Centered is an empowering book about a boy and his two loving cats as they explore the stillness that resides within themselves. They become curious and conscious of their body from this centered point of presence while finding the physical balance that is a reflection of this inner awareness.

Life becomes more enjoyable as the boy and his two loving cats navigate both movement and stillness while staying grounded. Their lives become lighter and filled with love for one another as they feel the gratitude that life is a gift to embrace.

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I Am Empowered
As I gently awaken, feeling the warmth and bright glow of the sunshine entering through the window, I absorb the energy of the sun as it creates an organic spark throughout my body. I take in a deep breath with excitement and anticipation of my day, knowing I will be riding my horse, Freedom.

Freedom awaits me as I begin to feel a deep connection with him. He knows I will arrive at the stable soon to greet him with an open heart and loving embrace. I take in another deep breath and exhale with ease as my nervous system relaxes, my mind surrenders, and my body feels in the flow so that I may arrive in the presence of Freedom with my energy balanced and grounded. He deserves to receive me in my finest energetic state, just as I deserve his balanced and grounded presence.

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Book Details

I Am a Feeling Body
Body Awareness and Mindfulness for Children

by Douglas Macauley & Illustrated by Ariane Elsammak

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/05/2019
Dimensions : 8.5×8.5
Page Count : 54
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781982234058
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781982235475
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781982234041

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Book Details

I Am Grounded
A Path to Stability and Feeling Safe

by Douglas Macauley & Illustrated by Ariane Elsammak

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/15/2021
Dimensions : 8.5×8.5
Page Count : 48
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781982273729
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781982273736

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Book Details

I Am Centered
Finding Your Point of Presence

by Douglas Macauley & Illustrated by Ariane Elsammak

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/25/2023
Dimensions : 8.5×8.5
Page Count : 50
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9798765244845
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9798765245279
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9798765244852

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Book Details

I Am Empowered
Freedom and Spirit of the Ride

by Douglas Macauley & Illustrated by Valerie Bouthyette

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/21/2023
Dimensions : 8.5×8.5
Page Count : 54

ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9798765246887
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9798765246894
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9798765246870

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